Long Fermention

We’ve “Forgotten” more than we know, what natural ingredients taste like, how to properly use them, and how they are supposed to make us feel. At Forgotten Flavours, our mission is to change that, by devoting ourselves to the techniques and ingredients required for making healthier products taste great and won’t trigger our body’s defenses.
In 2013, Maria, a recent graduate from the UofM for Architecture, was now a stay-at-home mum to her and Chris’ first of 3 children. Where Maria did have an affinity for design and architecture, she had developed a newfound passion for baking, much of which was influenced by the time she had spent baking with Chris’ Mum.
Maria took that passion even further and started tracking down old recipes from her childhood, recipes her great grandmother used to make, recipes that were largely destroyed, or “forgotten” following the Russian Revolution in the early 20th century.
Her focus at the time was mainly on old deserts, of which Chris was reluctant to try. It had nothing to do with how they looked, or what they were made from, but rather the fact I seldom ate anything I wasn’t familiar with as I had suffered most of my life with moderate to severe IBS. This was foreign to Maria, she’d never heard of IBS, nor understood why seemingly so many foods caused me so much discomfort here in North America.
Maria is also one known to NOT accept the word NO, and she slowly but surely wore me down to try her creations. What was so distinct about these deserts and other baked goods, was they possessed such unique flavours and textures, they were like nothing I had ever seen of tried here in Canada, not to mention would cause me little to no discomfort.
When Maria would explain the history about what they used to do, how/why they would do it, and the benefits they would gain from it, we routinely found ourselves saying how “the old way was the better way”, and “why did things change”? It was the discussions that ensued the recreation of “forgotten” recipes and methods, and how the natural ingredients created “flavours” and textures that could only be achieved by using real ingredients, that led us to the name Forgotten Flavours.
Health Benefits of Wild Yeast
Research shows that Wild Yeast is effective in breaking down harmful enzymes in grains, making vitamins and minerals more easily available for digestion, and helps convert dough into a nutritious food source that won’t trigger your body’s defenses.
Micro Bakery
Forgotten Flavours is a certified Mirco Bakery that is devoted to the techniques and ingredients required for making the healthiest and most delicious products. We pride ourselves on sourcing our ingredients locally when and where possible, offering quality, fresh baked goods to our local communities, and providing our distant customers the product and techniquest to do it yourself.
Our Bread
Each of our breads are made from a variety of naturally grown and cultivated wild yeast starters. Each starter is hand crafted using all natural ingredients and are uniquely blended to make a harmonious balance of aromas, flavours and textures.